Plagiarism Checker

Paste (Ctrl + V) your article below then click Check for Plagiarism!
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How Techyhit Plagiarism Checker Works?

It is very easy to use Techyhit Plagiarism Checker Tool then also if you are facing any problem then you can follow the below step-by-step guide.

  • First of all, copy your content and paste it into the box given.
  • After Pasting the content in the box click on the "Check For Plagiarism" button.
  • After few seconds you will get the report in percentage form for unique content and plagiarism content.

Definition Of Plagiarism

The act of adding your own thoughts, ideas, etc. in content is a very difficult and time-consuming task but some of the peoples copy the content of others and reuse it to make their own profit this is called plagiarism, and the content that is copied or duplicated content is known as plagiarised content.

Manual Plagiarism Checking Disadvantages

It is very boring to check each and every sentence manually for the plagiarism content also it takes too much time to check for every sentence. To overcome this problem the Techyhit Plagiarism Checker Tool is developed by the Techyhit development team. Now you can check whether your content is plagiarized or not.

Features Of Techyhit Plagiarism Checker Tool

1. Billions Of Web pages in few seconds

Techyhit Plagiarism Checker Tool automatically checks the plagiarism once you pasted your content in it. It compares the content over billions of web pages in few seconds which saves your time as well as energy as compared to manual plagiarism checking.

2. Multiple Languages

You can check any content in any language for plagiarism on Techyhit Plagiarism Checker Tool whether it is in English, Punjabi, Hindi, or any other language.

3. Percentage Viewing

It shows the unique and plagiarised content in percentage view which helps you to decide whether it is to modify or not.

4. Free Of Cost Lifetime

Techyhit Plagiarism Checker Tool is free of cost lifetime. These types of advanced tools like plagiarism checker, javascript obstructor, article rewriter, and many more you will not get anywhere.

5. 1000 Words at the same time

You will get 1000 words plagiarism checker facility at the same time which is very nice for everyone. Many of the Plagiarism Checker tools only provide 300-500 words of checking availability but Techyhit provides you 1000 words plagiarism checking facility at the same time.

6. Secure and Safe

Techyhit Plagiarism Checker Tool is 100% safe and secure because it does not keep any record of your content after you have checked for plagiarism the record is immediately deleted automatically which is not in our control.

Importance of Plagiarism Checker Tool

One thing is coming to your mind that if our content is plagiarised then what is the disadvantage of that? then for your kind information, I want to say that there can be a very huge impact on your website in SEO.

As a content creator, it is a must for everyone to upload unique and their own content so that they can get more engagements and get good results in every field they are in. In SEO there is also the same thing like if the content on your website is plagiarised then Google will find that and will penalize your website.

We know Google is very smart and to bypass Google is almost impossible. That is why it is a must for a content creator to check whether their content is plagiarised or they need to modify it or not.